As may be seen by the titles and nature of Woodcock’s published papers, Christine is committed to writing research that is aimed at the professional development of teachers. Furthermore, she is devoted to writing pieces that are truly accessible and useful to an audience of teachers. A delicate balance of theory and practice is needed. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for academic journals to be laden with specialized jargon, or highly theoretical articles which make no connections to everyday practice. Powerful, tangible connections between theory and practice are sorely needed. As a former classroom teacher, and now as a professor, Christine is dedicated to creating effective practice-theory bridges.
Woodcock, C. (2013). How to use process drama to enhance comprehension and promote social justice. The English Record, 63, (1), 27-44. Process_Drama_Woodcock
Woodcock, C. (2010). The Listening Guide for Coaching: Exploring qualitative, relational, voice-centered methodology for coaches. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice,3, (2), 144-154. LG_Coach_Woodcock
Woodcock, C. (2008). Contemporary forms of memoir: How to use blogs and zines in the classroom. Language and Literacy Spectrum, 18, 43 – 51. Memoir_Blogs_Woodcock
Woodcock, C. A., Lassonde, C. A., & Rutten I. (2004). How Does Collaborative Reflection Play a Role in a Teacher Researcher’s Beliefs About Herself and Her Teaching?: Discovering the Power of Relationships The Journal of Natural Inquiry & Reflective Practice, 18. Collaborative Reflection
Woodcock, C. A., (2002). The power of conversation: My journey with literature circles. Language and Literacy Spectrum, 12, 60-66. Power_Lit_Circles
Woodcock, C. A., & Lassonde, C. A. (2001). [Review of the book: Literacy matters: Writing and reading the social self]. Language and Literacy Spectrum, 11, 97-98. Book Review_LM